We came across a California General Contractor who was in need of some insurance assistance. The owner had ownership in three separate companies where all insurance policies were unfortunately being mishandled by their current broker. Several organizations such as the CSLB, WCIRB, and other Insurance carriers were confused on the structure of these three companies along with the similarities and differences between each one. When dealing with convoluted multi business situations like this, every detail can change the outcome such as forcing the client to combine policies and experience mod’s (ex-mod definition) for all companies into one.
We were able to sit down with our client and figure out their structure and break down of each company. We straightened everything out per entity and provided separate policies for each. With these changes we were able to save them $75,000 that year after the restructuring. JVRC Insurance takes pride in thinking outside of the box and paying attention to every detail. Knowing all the rules and regulations within our industry is very important in helping all of our clients.