General liability insurance in California is probably the most dynamic insurance policy you can purchase to protect your business. Almost all of the businesses and clients you work with will require you to carry General Liability in California and will also ask you for a certificate of insurance to provide proof.
The true art in providing our clients with a general liability policy that covers their most important exposures is having agents on staff that has mastered and understand the ins and outs of a very extensive and detailed General liability policy and its limits. What most agencies don’t know or understand are the lengthy exclusions that sometimes limit the client as well as special endorsements that can be added to provide extra coverage that are specific to your type of business.
If you are looking to purchase Commercial General Liability Insurance in California—whether you’re a new business, a small to large size business looking for savings, or if you are just a California business looking for better or additional services—JVRC insurance is your solution.
We understand General Liability Insurance in California for Small Businesses and will learn everything necessary to understand your business. Having access to specialty markets and programs specific to what you do is the X-factor that can bring significant savings. We are a brokerage so we are not constrained to working with just one carrier. This translates to us being able to work with all carriers and programs available to provide you with the perfect General Liability policy in California. Please see some of our industry specialties in our specialty insurance drop down list above!
For business General Liability Insurance in California, contact us today for a quote! We can also answer any questions or concerns you may have. We are just a click or a call away!
Liability Insurance protects your business when it is sued for something it may or may not have done to cause personal injury or property damage. General Liability can protect your business from on-site accidents, as well as any injuries or damages suffered as a result of using your products, goods, or services sold on and off your premises. Defense can also be included inside or outside of your normal limits.
JVRC Insurance can help you find the right General Liability Insurance in California for your small business. Of course, saving your business money is always our first priority along with making sure your business is covered for all perils on your premises or on the job site. You may also need Professional Liability or Errors & Omissions (E&O) coverage if you are a traditional professional that provides professional advice or if you are in a service providing industry. See the professional liability tab in our drop down list above for more info!
Contact Us for Your General Liability Insurance In California
Contact us for your personalized Commercial General Liability Insurance quote today!